Psalm 85:6 – “Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?”
As a result of what’s taking place at Asbury University, there’s a lot of talking right now about Revival. Unfortunately, it has sparked quite a debate, and we have more people arguing about what’s going on there rather than seeking a personal revival in their own life. When we live in spiritual apathy, it’s easier to point toward what’s wrong with others than be passionate about seeing Revival in our life and the life of others.
I want to touch on Revival and why we should pursue it rather than get into what’s happening at Asbury and other universities across the country.
Revival is more than just an emotional experience – it’s a profound inner transformation that bears outward fruit in the world around us. It’s the spiritual awakening of individuals who have grown passive and indifferent to their faith, leading to a radical increase in their zeal for God, greater obedience to His commands, and more encouragement in daily living. Revival brings an increased awareness of our need for Jesus and His grace, as well as an awareness of our responsibilities toward others.
Too often, believers become comfortable with complacency rather than using their God-given gifts to spread the love of Christ and bring salvation to those who don’t know Him yet. But why bother? It would be easy enough to sit back and accept things. After all, aren’t we already saved by grace through faith? Yes, absolutely! But faith without works is dead (James 2:17).
Why pursue it? We must pursue it because there is a lost and dying world outside the walls of our churches. We must actively pursue Revival to make a difference in our lives and the world around us. Is there one among us that wouldn’t want to be more zealous for God, more obedient to His Word, have a deeper passion for the lost, and experience a little more joy in our lives? We must take up this call personally and experience Revival first in our life if we are going to see true Revival happen across our land.
So how can we start seeing Revival right away? Here are five steps you can take today toward seeing a resurgence:
Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17): Prayer changes things! Step out in faith and commit to praying for your local community daily. This will help ignite your spirit for action.
Regularly read scripture: Make time each day for Bible reading so you can be grounded in God’s Word and stay connected with Him throughout your day. Use devotions or study guides from trusted sources if needed.
Get involved in outreach opportunities: Seek ministry opportunities within your church. Offer your talents and skills for God’s use.
Share hope: Make sure that everyone knows that hope isn’t lost! Speak life into areas where despair has taken hold – share stories of hope, support initiatives that bring positive change, rally around initiatives that offer help or relief, lift those who feel forgotten or invisible, and offer forgiveness instead of judgment when warranted.
Speak Jesus: Let people know that God so loved the world that He sent His son to set the captive free. Tell people how Jesus has changed your life and how He can change their life too.
Revival starts when we commit ourselves fully—not just once but often—to fulfilling God’s will here on earth. These actions might seem small, but together they create an incredible impact! Will you join in on this journey towards more deeply encountering Christ’s power at work among us?