Recruiting Your Church Plant Launch Team

Starting a church is hard. There are so many things to do, and often they’re not things that you know how to do. You need to recruit volunteers for your church, but where do you start?

This guide will help you with recruiting your team. It includes information on what to expect when building your launch team, the types of people you should be looking for, and how to recruit them. Follow these steps, and soon enough, you will have a fantastic team working with you!

 Why do you need a launch team?

Having a team of volunteers to help you with the workload is an essential first step for any new church plant. Church planting is not a one-person show.

The reasons why you need a launch team are many, but here are a few:

1) Your job as the leader of your church will be easier when you have people helping you out.

2) You can focus on the big picture.

3)Your team will help build relationships within your community.

4) When you have more people on the team, it can bring a heightened level of excitement.  

 Who should you recruit?

People who will be committed to the church plant. You need to find people willing to commit to being there in the months before you open, during the opening process, and for at least six months after the launch. 

There are many different types of people you should be looking for when building your launch team. For example, if you’re looking for someone to help with the tech needs of your church plant, then you need to find someone who is tech-savvy and who hopefully has experience in running tech programs at other churches.

If you’re unsure where to start: here are a few examples of great launch team members:

* People with marketing or graphic design experience

* People who are good at organizing

* People who have experience working in customer service

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to recruiting people for your team. The important thing is that you take the time to consider the right questions and seek out people who meet those qualifications. That way, you’ll build a great team!

Recruitment tips

1. Be clear on what you are looking for

When recruiting volunteers, it can be easy to think that anyone who wants to volunteer is the best fit. However, it’s essential to be clear on what you are looking for before reaching out to people. If you want someone with specific skills, reach out to people with those skills. Having people with the right skillsets for the tasks your asking them to perform will save time and frustration on both ends.

2. Ask the right questions

Make sure that when interviewing potential volunteers, you ask the right questions so that your team is built of people that work together well. 

There are some questions to consider in determining who would be a good fit for the team. For example, how much time will they have to commit? What skills do they have that could help with the church launch? What kind of personality do they have? Do they work well in team environments?

Don’t give titles

One of the biggest mistakes people make is giving titles to volunteers. A title can inhibit someone’s ability to do their job because they feel like they’ve reached the top of the ladder.

For example, let’s say you want to recruit a volunteer for your church’s greeters. They’re at the front of your church, greeting people and directing them to different areas of your church. If you give them a title like “greeter” or “receptionist,” then they’ll have a sense that they’re at the top of their game, which means they won’t want to do anything else. You don’t want that!

You’ll find that people are more willing to help in multiple areas if you don’t give them any titles at all. So it might be more appropriate to call this person a “welcome team member.”

Managing your expectations

Managing expectations is a vital part of recruiting your church plant team. You should expect to have a lot of people say no to you. It’s important not to take rejection personally, and it helps to understand that not everyone will want to be on your team. You may have an amazing idea, but you’ll need a lot of help carrying it out—the more people on board with your church plant, the better chance it has for success. If there are things that people may not want to do, then tell them about it upfront.

When you’re recruiting people, let them know what they might have to do. Letting them know upfront will help you manage the expectations of the person who is joining your team and will prevent them from making a commitment they’re not happy with later on down the line.

Now that you know how to recruit your church plant launch team, what’s next?

Go out and find some people willing to serve on your launch team. This might be someone who has served on church planting teams before or just someone ready to help out. It’s crucial that you let them know what they are getting themselves into. Make sure they know that they will be on the team through the first year of the church plant. They should also be committed to the vision and purpose of the church.

Whether you are new to the world of church planting or looking for some advice on how to recruit your launch team, I hope these tips will help you build a strong launch team.

Check out this site to find out more about church planting

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Todd Hukill

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