Sometimes we forget that we’re all in this together. We each have our struggles and challenges that can sometimes bring disunity. But that doesn’t change God’s desire for us to be in unity. When we are united as one body, our work multiplies exponentially. It’s not always easy, but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. As you walk in unity with one another, I believe you will discover your prayer life deepening and corporate worship more enticing. The Importance Of …
Month: January 2022
In FinanceTags Debt, Finance, financial planning, Retirement, savingsPublish Date306 ViewsLeave a comment Todd Hukill
Finances are a touchy subject for many people. Even the word “finances” is enough to make some people cringe. But, they don’t need to be. Having a basic understanding of …
Starting a church is hard. There are so many things to do, and often they’re not things that you know how to do. You need to recruit volunteers for your …
The Lord Strengthens, Gives Comfort and Peace During Times of Trouble. It can be challenging to find peace whenever you go through tough times. However, there is always hope in …
In DiscipleshipTags destiny, dreams, guidance, purpose, visionPublish Date216 ViewsLeave a comment Todd Hukill
Do you long to live an authentic life of purpose? You want more than just what society or culture says is right; there must be something better for yourself and …