Where Were You? Trusting God’s Sovereignty in Uncertainty
At the Network Office, we're typically reading a book together as a staff. Each week, we go through a chapter and take time to discuss it in our staff meeting.
Right now, we're reading A Million Little Miracles by Mark Batterson, and this week we were in chapter three. One of the passages he referenced was from Job, a familiar section of Scripture. But as I read through it again, something hit me in a fresh way.
We all have our "But Lord…" moments. Those times when life isn't going the way we planned, when prayers seem unanswered, when we're struggling to make sense of what's happening around us. It's easy to wonder, God, where are You in this?
Job had his own "But Lord…" moment. After losing everything, including his wealth, his family, and his health, he poured out his frustrations, questioning why all of this had happened to him.
And then God answered.
But instead of explaining Job's suffering, God responded with a series of rhetorical questions that shifted the focus away from Job's circumstances and toward the reality of who God is.
Where Were You, Job?
"Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand." – Job 38:4
"Who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb… when I said, 'This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt'?" – Job 38:8-11
"Can you send lightning bolts on their way? Do they report to you, 'Here we are'?" – Job 38:35
"Does the eagle soar at your command and build its nest on high?" – Job 39:27
It's humbling, isn't it?
God never actually answers Job's questions. Instead, He asks His own, reminding Job that the same God who created the universe, set the boundaries of the sea, commands the morning, and sends lightning is the same God who is still in control.
Shifting From "But Lord…" to "But the Lord…"
We all have moments where we question, doubt, or wrestle with what we don't understand. But what if, instead of asking Why, Lord? We learned to say But the Lord is faithful.
But the Lord knows the bigger picture.
But the Lord is still in control.
But the Lord is working all things for good.
Job may not have got the answers he was looking for but his perspective shifted. By the end of his conversation with God he realized that he didn't need all the answers. Job just needed to trust the One who holds them.
A Challenge for Today
Is there something in your life that you've been questioning? Maybe you have a situation that doesn't make sense? A struggle where you've been asking, Why, Lord?
Take a moment today to step back and remember who God is. He isn't absent. He isn't unaware. The same God who spoke the universe into existence is the same God who is holding your life in His hands.
Maybe we don't need to understand every detail. Maybe we just need to trust the One who does.
A Prayer for Today
Lord, I don't always understand what You're doing, but I trust You. When I start to question, remind me of who You are. Help me shift my focus from my limited perspective to Your limitless power. I know You are good, You are sovereign, and You are in control. Amen.