Are You Prepared for the Miracle?
Some prayers feel urgent. We ask God for provision, direction, or breakthrough, hoping for an immediate answer. But what if the delay isn't because God hasn't moved? What if He's waiting for us to prepare for what He's about to do?
A Strange Command in the Middle of a Crisis
In 2 Kings 3, three kings and their armies were stuck in the desert without water. They were exhausted, desperate, and out of options. When they turned to the prophet Elisha for help, they expected a miracle. Instead, they got a command:
"Thus says the Lord: 'Make this valley full of ditches.' For thus says the Lord: 'You shall not see wind, nor shall you see rain, yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you, your cattle, and your animals may drink.'" (2 Kings 3:16-17)
Think about that for a moment.
They needed water now. But instead of promising rain, God told them to start digging. No clouds. No sign of relief. Just dry, cracked ground and an instruction to prepare for something they couldn't see yet.
Faith Prepares Before the Miracle Arrives
The people had to act before they saw results. God didn't tell them how much water was coming—only that it was on the way. If they had dug one ditch, they would have had one ditch of water. If they had dug many, they would have had overflow.
What if the size of your blessing is connected to the depth of your preparation?
So often, we pray for God to move, but we hesitate to take action until we see proof.
We ask for an opportunity, but we don't prepare for it.
We pray for financial provision, but we don't steward what we already have.
We want to grow spiritually, but we don't make time to spend with God.
The question isn't just, "Do you want God to move?" The real question is, "Are you preparing for it?"
God's Miracles Don't Always Look the Way We Expect
Elisha told them they wouldn't see wind or rain, yet the valley would still be filled with water.
How often do we expect God to move one way, only for Him to surprise us another way?
The Israelites expected God to take them straight into the Promised Land, but they had to go through the wilderness first.
The disciples thought Jesus would overthrow Rome, but instead, He defeated sin and death.
Paul was imprisoned, yet from his chains, he wrote letters that would shape the church for generations.
Just because you don't see movement doesn't mean God isn't working.
What Ditches Do You Need to Dig?
The amount of water they received was tied to their preparation. If they refused to dig, they would have missed the miracle.
What does digging ditches look like in your life?
Believing for a job? Start updating your résumé now.
Praying for a restored relationship? Start working on your own heart.
Asking for a financial breakthrough? Get serious about stewardship today.
Hoping to grow spiritually? Make room for daily time with God.
Digging ditches isn't glamorous. It's hard work. But faith doesn't wait for signs—it prepares in expectation.
A Challenge for Today
What are you asking God to do in your life? More importantly, are you getting ready for it?
Because when the water comes, you don't want to be standing there without a ditch to catch it.
A Prayer for Today
Lord, help me to prepare for the things I am praying for. Even when I don't see evidence, even when it feels like nothing is changing, give me the faith to act in expectation. I trust that You are moving, and I want to be ready when the miracle arrives. Amen.