Todd Hukill

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The Power of a True Friend: Loyalty Over Convenience

There’s something about a steady, reliable friend that stands out. The one who doesn’t disappear when things get complicated. The one who doesn’t need constant check-ins but, when it matters, is still there.

Proverbs 17:17 says, "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."

Friendship, at its best, isn’t about constant emotional sharing or always being in deep conversations. It’s about loyalty, consistency, and knowing who will stand with you when life gets tough.

A Friend Loves at All Times

Some people drift in and out of our lives. That’s normal. But the ones who stick, the ones who show up whether life is good or bad, those are different.

A real friend isn’t just around for the fun moments. They don’t disappear when things get messy. They may not always have the right words, and they may not even check in all the time, but when it counts, you know they’ll be there.

Most of us can think of at least one person like that. Maybe you haven’t talked in months, maybe even years, but if you were in a real bind, you know you could pick up the phone, and they’d answer. They wouldn’t ask for explanations or make excuses. They’d just show up.

A Brother Is Born for Adversity

Not everyone is meant to be in our inner circle. That’s fine. But when life throws real challenges our way, we find out who is. Hard times reveal who is just around for convenience and who actually has your back.

Some people aren’t great at emotional conversations. Maybe you aren’t, either. But friendship isn’t about constant vulnerability. It’s about trust. It’s knowing that if something serious happens, there are a handful of people who would drop what they’re doing to show up.

Jesus: The Friend Who Never Leaves

Even the best friendships have limits. People get busy. Life pulls us in different directions. But Jesus is the one friend who never leaves.

"I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5)

Even when we don’t talk to Him as often as we should. Even when we try to handle everything on our own. He’s there. He always has been.

Being That Kind of Friend

It’s easy to appreciate the people who have been there for us. But the real question is: Are we that kind of friend to others?

Be the steady friend. You don’t have to be overly emotional or constantly checking in, but you can be reliable. Let people know you’ll be there if they ever need you.

Pay attention to who’s really there. If you don’t let a lot of people in, that’s okay, but take note of the ones who have proven they’re solid. Those are the friendships worth keeping.

Rely on God’s consistency. Even if you keep most things to yourself, He already knows. And He never walks away.

Not everyone needs a big circle of friends. But we all need a few people who stand firm when life shakes things up. Maybe today is a good day to acknowledge those people and to be that kind of friend to someone else.