The Blessings You Never Saw Coming
Have you ever faced a moment when everything seemed to fall apart? A job opportunity you were excited about didn’t work out. A door you prayed would open remained firmly shut. A season you thought would be filled with growth and joy turned into waiting and frustration. In the moment, it’s hard to see anything good in those situations. But later, sometimes much later, you realize that what felt like a setback was actually God setting you up for something better.
Life has a way of throwing unexpected detours our way. The things we once saw as obstacles often turn out to be the very things that shape us the most.
Before going to the cross, Jesus told His disciples, "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand." (John 13:7).
We don’t always see what God is doing in the moment. But one day, we will.
What If the Disruptions in Your Life Are Actually God’s Direction?
We tend to think that if something is difficult, delayed, or unexpected, it must be an obstacle. But what if those very things are actually God redirecting us toward something better?
Naomi experienced one of the most profound losses a person can endure. She lost her husband and then both of her sons. In a time when widows had little means to support themselves, she was left with nothing. Heartbroken and bitter, she told people, "The Almighty has made my life very bitter. I went away full, but the Lord has brought me back empty." (Ruth 1:20-21).
But God was still writing her story.
Her daughter-in-law, Ruth, refused to leave her side. And through a series of unexpected events, Ruth married Boaz (a man of wealth and character) securing Naomi's future as well. But that wasn't the end of it.
Ruth became the great-grandmother of King David and part of the lineage of Jesus.
What Naomi saw as the end of everything was actually the beginning of something far greater than she could have imagined.
If we trust that God is in control, then we have to trust that He allows things to unfold in ways we might not understand at the time. What if the closed doors, unexpected turns, and disappointments in your life right now are part of His greaterplan?
The Struggle of Wanting Immediate Answers
Waiting is hard. Uncertainty is even harder. We want to see the full picture now, but God rarely works that way.
Think about how devastating it must have been for the disciples. They had followed Jesus for years, believing He was going to establish His kingdom, only to watch Him be arrested, crucified, and buried. It must have felt like everything they had hoped for had fallen apart.
But three days later, everything changed.
The very thing they thought was the end of their hope was actually the greatest victory the world had ever seen.
"What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived—the things God has prepared for those who love Him." (1 Corinthians 2:9).
How to Recognize God’s Unexpected Blessings
If we truly believe that God is always working for our good, then we need to start seeing life’s interruptions, delays, and redirections differently.
Ask God to shift your perspective. Instead of asking, "Why is this happening?" try asking, "Lord, what are You doing through this?"
Not now doesn’t mean not ever. What looks like a setback might be a setup for something greater.
Be open to change. If God is leading you in a different direction, don’t waste time trying to force something He is closing the door on. Instead, ask where He is leading you next.
Look for the lesson. Every unexpected turn holds an opportunity for growth. Even disappointments can build faith, patience, and wisdom.
God’s Plans Are Always Bigger
You may not understand why things are unfolding the way they are right now, but one day you will. And when you do, you’ll see that God’s hand was guiding it all along.
The challenge is to trust Him before you see the outcome. To believe that He is working for your good, even when the situation doesn’t make sense. To recognize that the things you once saw as disruptions may actually be some of His greatest gifts.
The unanswered prayer.
The unexpected closed door.
The thing that didn’t go the way you planned.
What if that’s actually the blessing you never saw coming?
Lord, help me to trust You even when I don’t understand. When life feels uncertain, remind me that You are always working for my good. Give me faith to embrace the unexpected, knowing that Your plans are always greater than mine. Amen.