Todd Hukill

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Embracing the Unexpected: Finding God’s Presence in Life’s Interruptions

Yesterday, I was sure we’d be home this morning. The forecast called for heavy snow, and it seemed like a given that the roads would be too dangerous. But we ended up with the low end of the prediction, and now I’m second-guessing everything. Do I stay put, or do I venture out? The news is filled with reports of wrecks, but outside, things don’t look too bad.

As I sip my coffee and look out my dining room window, I see a quiet layer of snow covering the yard. It’s peaceful, still, and yet, my mind keeps shifting back and forth between staying in and heading out. Funny how quickly things change. Yesterday, I had a plan. Today, it feels uncertain.

It’s a reminder that no matter how much we prepare, life has a way of interrupting even the best-laid plans.

Seeing God in the Unplanned

Life rarely goes exactly as we expect. Sometimes, it’s minor inconveniences—a meeting rescheduled, a trip delayed. Other times, it’s something bigger—job loss, health struggles, a completely different direction than what we had mapped out.

Snow days are a small but tangible reminder that despite our best efforts to control our schedules, some things are beyond our control. In these moments, we can either get frustrated or choose to see God’s hand at work. Maybe the unexpected pause isn’t just a delay; maybe it’s an opportunity.

I’ve written before about how disruptions in life can turn into unexpected blessings (The Blessings You Never Saw Coming). Sometimes, what looks like an inconvenience is actually God redirecting us toward something better.

Reflecting on Proverbs 16:9

"In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps."

This verse reminds us that planning isn’t wrong—but ultimately, God is the one who orders our steps. When life doesn’t go the way we expected, it doesn’t mean we’ve failed. It means we have to trust the One who sees the whole path ahead.

Opportunities in the Pause

When plans shift, big or small, there’s an opportunity to:

  • Rest – Sometimes, a delay is a reminder to slow down. Maybe the extra time is exactly what we needed, even if we didn’t plan for it.

  • Reflect – When things don’t go as expected, it’s a good time to ask: Where is God working? What might He be teaching me in this moment?

  • Reconnect – Unexpected time at home, a cleared schedule—maybe it’s a chance to focus on relationships, have a real conversation, or spend some extra time in prayer.

Peace in the Uncertainty

Whether it’s a snow day or something bigger, the unknown has a way of making us uncomfortable. But the good news is, God is never uncertain.

"You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You." (Isaiah 26:3)

Peace doesn’t come from having all the answers. It comes from knowing we don’t have to.

A Prayer for the Unplanned Moments

Lord, help me to see Your presence in the unexpected. When my plans are interrupted, grant me the grace to trust in Your greater purpose. Teach me to embrace these moments as opportunities to grow closer to You and to rest in Your sovereign care.

I pray for those who are venturing out this morning. Keep them safe on the roads, protect them from harm, and guide them through whatever challenges they may face today. May they sense Your presence in every step they take. Amen.

I think I’ll stay inside.