A Painful Lesson in Humility: How Pride Can Lead to a Fall

A bright yellow caution sign warning about slipping, symbolizing the dangers of pride before a fall.

On Saturday, I told you another flat on my back story was coming. Well, here it is. And just like last time, it came with a painful but much needed lesson.

A Swing, a Vine, and a Hard Lesson

About 15 years ago, we had a backyard that sloped sharply before leveling off. It was the perfect playground for adventure. Vines grew up the trees, and the kids would grab them and swing out over the drop-off like they were starring in their own action movie.

One day, we had family over, and everyone was taking turns. It was all fun and games. And then I decided it was time to convince my mother-in-law, Judy, to give it a try.

She wasn’t having it. “No way,” she said.

But I wouldn’t let it go. “Come on, you can do this! It’s easy.”

She refused again. Finally, after much persistence, she said, “One more time, and maybe I will.”

Challenge accepted.

Puffed up and full of confidence, I grabbed hold of that vine, determined to make this the biggest, smoothest, most impressive swing yet. I kicked off, soaring out over the hill, chest out, feeling like a legend.

And then…SNAP.

The vine broke.

One second, I was on top of the world. The next, I was flat on my back with a stick impaled in the back of my neck.

Pride Before the Fall

At the time, all I could think about was how much it hurt. But looking back, I can see it for what it really was, a clear and painful reminder of Proverbs 16:18:

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”

I had been so determined to prove something that I ignored every possible warning sign. The same way I was pushing Judy to do something she was wise enough to avoid, I had convinced myself I was invincible.

Turns out, I was very vincible.

And isn’t that how pride works? It sneaks in and puffs us up, making us feel invincible until reality comes crashing down. Pride isn’t just about arrogance; sometimes, it’s about refusing to listen, resisting correction, or trying to prove our worth to others instead of resting in who God has called us to be.

Jesus’ View on Greatness

The world tells us that greatness is about proving ourselves. Being the best. Climbing to the top. But Jesus completely flips that idea upside down.

“If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.” (Mark 9:35)

True greatness isn’t found in showing off or convincing others of our strength. It’s found in humility, in serving others, and in recognizing that we aren’t the center of the universe—Jesus is.

Three Signs Pride Might Be Tripping You Up

Pride doesn’t always show up as arrogance. Sometimes it’s subtle, creeping into our thoughts and decisions. Here are three ways it might be sneaking into your life:

When We Ignore Wise Counsel

“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.” (Proverbs 12:15)
Have you ever rejected advice simply because you didn’t like hearing it? Pride makes us push back against wisdom because we’d rather be right than be corrected. But humility listens and learns.

When We Try to Prove Ourselves

“Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.”(Philippians 2:3)
Are you constantly working to impress others, rather than focusing on serving them? Pride tells us our value comes from performance, but humility knows our worth is in Christ.

When We Struggle to Admit We’re Wrong

“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up.” (James 4:10)

How hard is it for you to say, “I was wrong”? Pride resists humility because it doesn’t want to admit weakness. But true strength is found in surrender.

A Call to Humility

It’s been said that humility isn’t about thinking less of yourself—it’s about thinking of yourself less. It’s choosing to step down so that Jesus is lifted up. It’s recognizing that real strength isn’t in proving something, but in surrendering to Christ.

That day in my backyard, I didn’t just learn about gravity. I learned what happens when pride takes the lead. Thankfully, God has a way of using even our most humbling moments to shape us into who He’s calling us to be.

Where Is God Calling You to Humble Yourself?

Are there areas in your life where pride might be holding you back? A relationship that needs mending? A step of obedience you’ve been resisting? Ask God to show you where humility needs to take root.

Lord, help me to recognize where pride has taken hold in my heart. Teach me to walk in humility, not seeking to prove myself but to serve You and others. May I learn from my falls and lean on You for strength. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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